Report calls for a more diverse foreign student enrolment in the UK – ICEF Monitor
Short on time? Here are the highlights: A UK commission is recommending a sharper focus on data-driven insights to guide the next International Education Strategy...
Norway puts nail in the coffin on non-EU tuition fees
After months of debate and opposition from many universities in the country, the Labour Party-run government will introduce fees for non-EU students. Some 97 votes...
Ottawa pausing deportations of international students affected by acceptance letter scam
Not really a surprise. Hard to see, however, given current pressures on IRCC that it will be able to review each case specifically. CIMM is...
Canada aims to spread out international students across country
The Trudeau administration is preparing an overhaul of visa policies that aims, among other objectives, to more strategically distribute international students around Canada. The administration said it was taking...
‘Indian students need to learn to handle conflict in respectful, open manner,’ says Heriot-Watt University VP
The number of Indian students going abroad for higher studies has increased by 68.79 per cent in the past year, according to data provided by...
Us Embassy: Interview slots for US student visa applicants to be out soon; check website daily, says embassy | India News
NEW DELHI: Thousands of Indian students, who are waiting for interviews for their US F-1 visas, can expect the dates to become available in the...
Are Indian students really trapped in sex racket in Canada?
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Australian international education notches most lucrative quarter
Australian international education has reached its strongest position ever on several measures, suggesting the sector has shrugged off the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. The...
Canberra urged to prevent ‘unethical’ onshore foreign student recruitment
Canberra should forbid agents from charging commissions for recruiting foreign students who are already in Australia, and visas should be annulled when students change institutions,...