The MAC review of the graduate route
Ahead of last autumn’s appalling migration figures, Number 10 had decided that however bad the numbers were, they wouldn’t announce any policy measures in response....
Inconsistent Visa Assessments Continue to Destabilise the Sector
The Koala was contacted by an English provider who received a visa refusal which was perplexing. The Koala investigated and it appears inconsistent Source
Minister Establishes Implementation Advisory Committee
An Implementation Advisory Committee has been established by the Government following the release of last night’s Federal Budget. The Minister for Source
Which country allows international students to work the most hours?
On April 29, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) announced that it will soon allow international students to work off-campus for 24 hours per week...
UK International Enrolments Unchained
The latest HESA figures (released 31 January 2023) give a further instalment and insight on the extraordinary recent changes in global student mobility and the...
Suggestion to impose cap on international students in Australia “shortsighted”
Analysis from the Group of Eight in Australia has found "no direct link" between international students and the nation’s current housing crisis. Source
Beware the Ides of MAC
Aficionados of ancient Rome will know that every month had an Ides. For March, May, July and October it fell on the 15th of the...
Calls for post-study work for sub degree programs in NZ
Sub-degree programs in New Zealand need to be able to offer post-study work rights, the peak body for the country's private training providers has said. Source
Australian scepticism of international education ‘here to stay’
Universities’ financial get-out-of-jail card no longer works, as governments in Canberra and elsewhere turn their backs on foreign students Source