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Unrestricted work rights for student visa holders to end on 30 June 2023

​​​​To address workforce shortages, student visa work hours restrictions have been temporarily relaxed. This will end on 30 June 2023.Until 30 June 2023, all ongoing...

Waiting period for US non-immigrant visas now exceeds 2 years. Details here

With the easing of coronavirus-related restrictions and regularisation of international flights, a large number of Indians are gearing up to travel overseas. However, those planning...

US tourist visa waiting period goes over 2 years for India

US tourist visa waiting period goes over 2 years for India | Mint

How global recession and weakening rupee is killing Indian students’ American dream

Students are seeking top-up loans to survive the weakening Indian Rupee and soaring inflation, a by-product of recession, in the US. Indian students who wish...

Want to study abroad for free: Here’s all you need to know

If you’re searching for an answer to whether you can study abroad for free, then the answer is yes! But it has a lot of...

Op-Ed: Are the U.S. News college rankings a joke?

I didn’t go to an Ivy League college. In fact, I never even thought of applying, and you probably didn’t either.This week, U.S. News &...

France to have 20,000 Indian students by 2025: Foreign Minister

In order to boost the student exchange programme, French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna on Wednesday said her country targets to enrol 20,000 Indian students in...

Housing scams targeting international students on the rise in Ireland

The student support group said that it has seen a 86% rise in the number of queries it has received so far this year about...

US student visa application to get easier in 2023: Embassy explains how

US student visa application to get easier in 2023: Embassy explains how | Mint

Australia increases permanent migration in boost for international students

The new measure is a key outcome of the Australian government’s recently concluded Jobs and Skills Summit. At the event, the government also announced that...