Do’s and Don’ts of the visa application process: Education in Ireland VS 26 Feb ’22
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Bookings surge as confidence in international recruitment travel returns
With worldwide vaccination now at an advanced stage and key flight paths opening up at affordable prices, there is an understandable appetite for international recruiters...
IRCC updates processing times tool to provide more accurate information
On March 31, Immigration Minister Sean Fraser announced major updates to the government’s online processing times tool. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) clients can...
The benefits of a spousal open work permit
Published on April 4th, 2022 at 09:00am EDT Canada offers an open work permit to foreign nationals who are waiting for a decision on their...
Fully vaccinated travellers no longer need COVID-19 test to come to Canada
Published on April 1st, 2022 at 09:00am EDT As of April 1, fully vaccinated travellers no longer need a pre-arrival COVID-19 test to enter Canada....
Colleges in Canada reopen, students stuck in India
Tribune News Service Sukhmeet Bhasin Bathinda, April 2 The three Canadian colleges — M College in Montreal, CDE College in Sherbrooke, and CCSQ College in...
Survey: International Students Increasingly Looking to the US to Provide High Quality Education
70% of international student respondents who chose the US as their study destination did so because of the country's perceived high quality of education. PHILADELPHIA,...
Over 1.33 Lakh Students This Year Have Left India to Study Abroad
NEW DELHI (IANS) – A total of 1,33,135 Indian students went abroad for higher studies this year, as of Mar. 20, the Indian Parliament was...
New Zealand extends agency status through 2022; new agent applications still on hold – ICEF Monitor
Short on time? Here are the highlights: Education New Zealand has announced that new applications for its ENZ Recognised Agency Status programme will remain on...
The pandemic exposed the vulnerability of international students in Canada — University Affairs
Universities and colleges need better, more easily accessible and culturally competent mental health services targeted to the needs of international students.When the COVID-19 pandemic began...