Over 120,000 student visas granted to Indian applicants in the year ending September 2022 As per the statistics released by the UK government Home Office, there were 127,731 student visas granted to Indian applicants in the year ending September 2022, which is an increase of 93,470 (+273%) compared to 2019 (34,261).

Worker visas
The data further indicates that Indian nationals also continue to be the top nationality granted โ€˜Workerโ€™ visas, accounting for 39% of the total with 56,042 visas issued. This shows an increase by 26,490 (+90%) as compared to 2019 (29,552).

Non-Russell group CAS
In terms of Certificates of Acceptance for Study (CAS) used in main applications for study visas, which present the numbers of students applying to study in the main educational sectors, the Non-Russell group universities now make up 59% of all CAS used in study visa applications, increasing by 159,423 (+141%) compared with the year ending September 2019. This is the highest proportion of Non-Russell group CAS seen since the Sponsorship time series began in 2010.

Indians top โ€˜Skilled Workerโ€™ visa category
The top 3 nationalities granted the โ€˜Skilled Workerโ€™ visa were Indian nationals, accounting for 33% (20,413), United States nationals with 6% (3,729) and South African nationals with 4% (2,501).

Similarly, for the โ€˜Skilled Worker – Health and Careโ€™ visa, Indian nationals represented the highest number of grants with 36% (22,171) of the total. Nigerian nationals were the second highest with 14% (8,520) followed by Zimbabwean nationals with 13% (7,875).

HPI visa grants
The High Potential Individual (HPI) visa launched on May 30, 2022, is available to recent graduates from a set list of top global universities to work or look for work in the UK. Up to the end of September 2022, there have been 729 grants to main applicants, with 148 grants (20%) from United States nationals, 141 grants (19%) from Chinese nationals and 105 grants (14%) from Indian nationals.

The Graduate route
There were 59,937 grants to main applicants for further leave to remain in the Graduate route, with Indian nationals representing 41% of grants. The Graduate route was introduced on July 1, 2021 and allows students who have successfully completed a bachelorโ€™s degree, postgraduate degree, or other eligible course to extend their stay in the UK for a period after their studies to work or look for work. A Graduate visa lasts for 2 years, or 3 years in the case of completing a PhD or other doctoral qualification.

Dependents of sponsored study visa holders
The report further indicates that Nigeria had the highest number of dependents (51,648) of sponsored study visa holders in September 2022, increasing from 1,586 in 2019. Indian nationals had the second highest number of dependents, increasing from 3,135 to 33,239. Visas issued for the top 5 nationalities for sponsored study dependents (Nigeria, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka) were over 100,000 for the year ending September 2022.

Looking at all sponsored study-related visa holders (including main applicants and their dependents), Nigeria saw a large increase in the proportion of visa holders who were dependents, from 19% in 2019, to 50% in the year ending September 2022. Indian nationals also saw an increase in their dependent proportion from 8% to 21%. Outside of the top 5 nationalities for dependent visas issued (Nigeria, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka), the increase in proportion was more modest (from 4% to 6%).
