Industry News

International education has a data problem. It’s time to do something about it – ICEF Monitor

Editor’s note: The following piece draws heavily on commentary and insights from industry leaders speaking at the ICEF Monitor Global Summit in London, 23 September 2024. There is an increasingly critical need for better and more timely data in international education, and one that is being driven by a number of overlapping factors. Students, for… Source

Criticism mounts as Australian Senate committee hears it is “wrong to go ahead” with ESOS amendments bill as is – ICEF Monitor

The Australian government remains committed to passing into law a cap – intended to take effect as early as January 2025 – on the number of new international students coming into Australia. First, it must push through the controversial proposed legislation known informally as the ESOS amendments bill and formally as the Education Services for… Source

Universities UK releases blueprint for higher and international education – ICEF Monitor

In a context of policy uncertainty and instability in the tertiary sector, Universities UK has released a blueprint calling for greater collaboration and deeper investment in UK higher education. Universities UK worked with a group of 10 expert commissioners to produce its report. Opportunity, growth, and partnership: a blueprint for change from the UK’s universities… Source

Labour to review UK’s international education strategy

The UK’s international education strategy will be reviewed under the new Labour government, it has been announced. Source

– YouTube

Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube. Source

Definition of agent at risk under ESOS Bill spotlight

A crucial aspect of the ESOS Amendment Bill concerning the definition of an education agent risks being overlooked amid headline-dominating proposals to cap international enrolments in Australia. Source

Canada caps could be “final nail in the coffin” for Indian students

As Canada introduces more limits on international students, Indian students could face the brunt of the restrictions. Source

Is the new British Council agent badge double edged?

The British Council has launched a new certification badge for agents. It’s a positive move, but what are the risks? Source

Canada caps tightened: your questions answered

Canada’s intled sector is reacting to another set of ‘erratic’ policy changes limiting international students, temporary workers and spouses. Source