How EU edtech startups are navigating the pandemic
The Transform Technology Summits start October 13th with Low-Code/No Code: Enabling Enterprise Agility. Register now! The edtech sector was ripe…
The PIE Webinar – Building Back: Recruitment and Recovery after COVID-19
The PIE Webinar – Building Back: Recruitment and Recovery after COVID-19 – Crowdcast 0) return error } catch (e) {}…
Session on “Student Visas and Graduate Immigration Route”
1)ytcfg.d()[a[0]]=a[1];else for(var k in a[0])ytcfg.d()[k]=a[0][k]}}; window.ytcfg.set(‘EMERGENCY_BASE_URL’, ‘/error_204?tx3djserrorx26levelx3dERRORx26client.namex3d1x26client.versionx3d2.20210909.07.00’);]]>=5)return;window.unhandledErrorCount+=1;window.unhandledErrorMessages[message]=true;var img=new Image;window.emergencyTimeoutImg=img;img.onload=img.onerror=function(){delete window.emergencyTimeoutImg}; var combinedLineAndColumn=err.lineNumber;if(!isNaN(err[“columnNumber”]))combinedLineAndColumn+=”:”+err[“columnNumber”];var stack=err.stack||””;var values={“msg”:message,”type”,”client.params”:”unhandled window error”,”file”:err.fileName,”line”:combinedLineAndColumn,”stack”:stack.substr(0,500)};var thirdPartyScript=!err.fileName||err.fileName===””||stack.indexOf(“extension://”)>=0;var replaced=stack.replace(/,””);if(replaced.match(/https?://[^/]+//))thirdPartyScript= true;else if(stack.indexOf(“trapProp”)>=0&&stack.indexOf(“trapChain”)>=0)thirdPartyScript=true;else…
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Study Australia Industry Experience Program update
Study Australia Industry Experience Program update 06 Sep 2021 In partnership with all state and territory study destination agencies, and…
Pearson launches PTE Academic test online
The length of the PTE Academic test will be reduced from three to two hours from November 16, which Pearson…
Haryana state mulls International Education Department
Chandigarh, September 6 The state government is considering creating the International Education Department to help Haryanvi youth study abroad and…
International students, temporary visa holders with exemptions taken off Qantas flights from India
Days after the Australian government removed India from the list of ‘high risk’ countries, international student Rishi Ravindra Naik was among…
New Zealand consulting on international education as a national priority
The pandemic has forced a recent Alert Level 4 until August 20 across the country while lockdown restrictions in Auckland will remain…