Rankings and Credentials
University Profile
The University of Guadalajara is the second oldest and largest public university in Mexico. Founded in 1791, it is an autonomous comprehensive research public institution structured as a network of 15 university centers, a virtual university and a high school system, having establishments throughout the state of Jalisco. Teaching: UdeG has over 109,000 higher education students and 352 educational programs (141 undergraduate and 211 postgraduate). 131 undergraduate programs and 106 postgraduate programs are recognized as programs of excellence by the most important accrediting and evaluating institutions and bodies in Mexico. Research: UdeG hosts 85% of all scientific research conducted in Jalisco. UdeG is ranked 1st place for the number of professors (2,349) with PROMEP Profile (Teacher Improvement Program from the Mexican Ministry of Education-SEP). Likewise, UdeG holds 1 st place amongst all public state universities with 762 of its researchers on the Mexican National Researchers Registry (SNI) of CONACYT. Exchange: UdeG has signed 628 international agreements and is a member of 172 international associations and collaboration networks. In 2013, UdeG received 1,016 exchange students from 57 different countries, and sent 848 students to other universities in 33 different countries. Extension: UdeG is a key actor in generating and promoting cultural activities in the state. Plus:Jalisco’s Public Libraries Network, museums, galleries, theaters and sport facilities.