Rankings and Credentials
University Profile
The University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) was established on 1st January 2004 through the merger between the University of Durban-Westville and the University of Natal. UKZN has 5 campuses with a total student population of over 44000 in 2013 and an academic staff complement of 1450. 23% of full-time academic staff and 23% of postgraduates (M&PhD) are international. UKZN offers the full scope of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes across a broad range of disciplines. UKZN is a research intensive university and, over the past 10 years, has been rated in the top 3 most research-productive university of the 23 South African universities. 85% of UKZN`s professorial staff are research-active and publishing and 56% of permanent academic staff have a PhD as a minimum qualification. UKZN is home to the NIH-funded Centre for AIDS Programme of Research in SA (CAPRISA), the Wellcome Trust-funded Africa Centre for Health and Population Studies and the HHMI-funded KZN Research Institute for Tuberculosis and HIV (K-RITH). UKZN is also the hub for the DST-NRF Centre for African Indigenous Knowledge Systems (AIKS). All of this was achieved while UKZN was undergoing a merger and major transformation. UKZN is firmly committed to transformation in its widest sense and, to this end, has developed a Transformation Charter, the objective of which is to lay the foundation for the premier university of African scholarship that is united in and exploits its diversity.